Exporting MP3 Only from Premiere Pro.
Maybe you’re looking to get an audio version of the video podcast you just finished editing… or you need the audio only from some other video.
One of the questions that I am asked the most often as a Podcast creator and video editor is “What exactly is your editing process for your podcast?”
That question can be tricky to answer because there’s actually a lot that goes into it that feels pretty second-nature to me at this point.
For my own podcast “The Justin Phillips Show” I am often editing video for the podcast and then exporting my final file as both video and audio files using Adobe Premiere Pro and/or Adobe Media Encoder.
Here’s how I do that.
1.) Exporting an MP3 file Straight From Premiere Pro.
When you go to export videos in Premiere Pro you are most likely going to be exporting in H.264 format by default, which will give you an .mp4 file when all is said and done.
If you have a podcast or another video that you only want the audio from, simply toggle down the menu under “Format” in your export settings and choose “MP3”
That by itself should get you an audio-only version of your video.
2.) Stripping the Audio from a Video Using Adobe Media Encoder.
Another process that you may have to go through is taking a video that is already exported as an MP4 file and trying to get the audio from that video.
If that is the case, there is a really easy way to do that in Adobe Media Encoder.
Simply bring the .mp4 file into media encoder, click on the file type that it is currently at, and change that to MP3 (this will look very similar to what you would do in Premiere Pro.)
If that is the only file you need to export then you can click the little green ‘play’ button up and to the right of the queue and you should have an audio-only version of your video in no time.
Hopefully this helps!
If you are still struggling to export your videos as audio only files then you can leave a comment on this article or find another way to reach out and I would be happy to help.
These tips are amazing for anyone who already has access to the Adobe suite as it prevents you from having to find some sketchy looking third-party softwares online to convert .mp4 files to .mp3 and then still not really know what you are getting.